Naboo Hills 2.1

By Darth Zappa
Date: 10-01-2004




NABOO HILLS version 2.1

by Darth Zappa

Sept. 19, 2004

This is a vehicle warfare map on a large open hilly area. It is good for general FFA, team FFA and CTF games, and also supports duel and powerduel games.

There is a base with vehicles, weapons and ammo in each far corner of the map. In a CTF or TFFA game, the teams will each start at one of these bases. In FFA mode players will start at the gazebo building next to the lake. use the eopie spawning station nearby to get transportation to the far bases. Scattered throughout the map are stations with health, shields, ammo and other vehicles.

Although the map is somewhat symetrical, the layouts of the two bases are quite different. Some people like this sort of thing for CTF games, some hate it. CTF support was shoe-horned in at the last minute and may have some problems; your mileage may vary. Bot-routing support is also included and is of questionable quality; the bots wont drive the vehicles anyhow, so their route will stay around the gazebo area.

Naboo base - weapons, powerups, N-1 Starfighter, combat swoops

Trade fed base - weapons, powerups, droid fighter* hailfire, droideka, sith speeder

Additional vehicle types are available at the powerup stations throughout the map. Each of the orange console switches in the map spawns a vehicle of some sort. Not all vehicles perform well in water; mind the lake.

Due to the large number of vehicles in this map, you will find that you can't spawn any new ones on here unless you are running a mod that allows for more vehicles on both the client AND server sides. Don't try it, you'll just crash.

If you are missing textures on the ground, then remove the pre-release jedicouncilgc and forest sanctuary maps from your base folder, as well as any other maps that have been converted from JK2 to JKA. There is a problem with the way some folks are converting their older maps that causes a texture conflict. The only solution is to remove the offending maps from the your base folder.

Vehicle models by

Duncan_10158, Monsoontide, tFighterpilot and Neomars1; some are further customized. (See below for full details.)

Skybox by Whiteshdw, courtesy of Shadriss's dotf map.



Before installing any of the naboohills21 files, first remove *ALL* other vehicle pk3s and vehicle-related map pk3s from your base folder, including older versions of these vehicles. Also remove any older versions of this map.

Once you've done that, put everything in the 'put_all_this_in_base' folder into your base folder.If you dont have any other vehicles or maps with built-in custom vehicles (like KOTOR flight) in there, then everything should be fine. After that, you can take out individual vehicle pk3 files if you want to remove certain custom vehicles (they wont spawn from the buttons then.)

All the vehicles must be on the server for all the switches to function properly.

The 'read me' files for all the original vehicles are included in a separate folder.

Files Included - filename (npc vehicle) info


naboohills21.pk3 (naboohills21) map file

hailfire_droid06.pk3 (hailfire_droid) trade fed rolling rocket launcher

maulspeeder.pk3 (maulspeeder) sith bomber speeder bike, customized

ojp_eopie_saddle.pk3 (eopie) the butt-ugly but loveable riding horse-anteater-thing

OJP_droideka_06.pk3 (droideka) the trade fed rolling destroyer droid

gunshipVM.pk3 (gunshipx) republic clone gunship

N2.pk3 (n2) naboo N-1 starfighter, customized

sb-bikes.pk3 (swoop_bike1, swoop_bike3, swoop_bike5) heavy duty customized combat/racing swoops

bdc-cloudcar.pk3 (bdc-cloudcar) customized bespin cloud car, currently acting as a stand-in for a trade fed fighter

this map uses a compatible vehicle set with BDC Racing Club v1.2. If you are running this map, you can run tha one too without changing any vehicles around.

Misc. Notes


- Changes from 2.0 version

- optional black reskin for the N2 included in separate folder

- new Trade Fed Lander base design, more accurate to the ship in the movie

- fixed CTF spawn points

- models now clipped correctly, you cant shoot through them anymore

- more trees

- N1 naboo fighter now has a proper bounding box, and is easier to hit

- some vehicles now have custom radar icons, where i was allowed (cough) to add them

- new dueling area with good fps under the starting gazebo

- deeper lake is now more dangerous to fly in, watch those rocks

- fixed weapons on sith speeder and combat swoop bikes

- some other minor very minor tweaks

- Changes From 1.2 version

- skybox from dotf (thanks shadriss)

- added droideka, gunship, more swoops, eopie; removed atst, rancor, tauntauns

- map area now twice as big (perhaps too big now), new trade fed. base position

- CTF support and bot-routing (sort of)

- larger area of view (fps suffers a bit)

- replaced tauntauns with faster eopies

- re-arranged powerup stations

- other minor tweaks and such

- Stuff That Needs Fixin'

- better lookin terrain and detailing in general

- siege? perhaps.

- Wish List (stuff i would like to add to this map, but doesn't exist yet)

- Trade federation AAT battle tank (sadly this was abandoned by duncan. if it gets finished, i'll use it)

- Trade federation fighter plane thingies (the cloudcar is currently filling in for this until it is ready.)

- Lasers on the gunship (i've given up hope for this. thanks, you know who you are.)

- gungan ridable kaatu (under construction, or so they say)

- In a perfect world, i would like this map to have episode 1 and/or naboo-specific vehicles only.

- For lots of great movie character skins and other vehicle models go to

- darth maul, obi-wan, qui-gon, battledroid, gungan, mace windu skins and much more

- Also make sure to check out the Open Jedi Project, at



map designed and constructed by Darth Zappa (

hailfire droid, sith speeder and droideka, and N-1 vehicle models

by Duncan_10158 ( and Monsoontide (

republic gunship vehicle model

by NeoMarz1 (

N1 vehicle customized by

Nexus of OmNi clan (

Sith speeder customized by

Nexus of OmNi clan ( with further tweaks by me

Bespin Cloud Car converted to JA vehicle model by

tFighterPilot, and further customized by me

swoop bike (swoop_bike1,swoop_bike3,swoop_bike5) vehicle files

modified by myself and McCleod of DX clan (

eopie, droideka vehicle models from the open jedi project (

skybox texture by WhiteShdw (

courtesy of Shadriss from his Duel of The Fates map for JKA.

Copyright info


This map and related files were not made or supported by Raven or LucasArts or any of those sorts of professionals. This is amateur hour all the way, baby. All Star Wars related intellectual property rights are reserved by their proper owners, as noted here with these fine copyright notices.

© 2003 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.

© 2003 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.

All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.

© Raven Software LTD 2003, Activision