Bespin Sea

By Huxley D'Kana
Date: 10-18-2003





The Map has 2 bases, 1 red, 1 blue. I do have it set to allow TeamFFA or CTF gameplay. Either one will work as well as 'normal' FFA
Large chunks of the base, as well as all of the platforms are set to 'breakable' so you can take turns wasting each others' bases.
I have also placed red & blue flags @ either base, in case anyone wants to turn it into a CTF game :) *(w00t)* (its a lot of fun!)


When running a server, start the map with 'devmap' this turns on the cheats.
After loading ('devmap bespin-sea') run outside, and onto the 'middle' of one of the platforms, and type the following INTO THE CONSOLE ('SHIFT + ~'):
/npc spawn vehicle x-wing
^--- MUST HAVE THIS '/' (full list of vehicles @ the end of this document!)
Then hit 'SHIFT + ~' again, and then hold down your JUMP key, and watch as an X-wing falls out of yer butt!
then jump back to a level-ground next to the X-wing, and hit the USE key.

Now your in your only X-wing! complete with primary & secondary fire.
Hold SpaceBAR (jump) to takeoff, keep it held until the thrusters auto-fire for you (spacebar starts the take-off animation)
Once airborn, you now can manuver using your mouse.

Forward (w) = accelerate
Backward (s) = brake

You can 'also' use the right & left keys, to aide in your *banking*
**** If you have never played a flight-sim before, this WILL take some getting used to****
Don't hold your right-strafe to turn right, because it wont... it will 'bank' to the left. Merely try to tap the right or left keys,
opposite to whichever way you want to turn. If you want to swoop fast to the right to dodge an incoming tie-bomber attack,
move the mouse to the right AND tap the 'a' or left-strafe key to aide in turning sharply

Just practice having dog fights with your friends and clan mates, this map can take up to 32 players and vehicles in the air :) [as long as the server can ;) ]


There are blue and red walls at each end of the map, this is because without them you have NO way to determine anything about your location, once you rise above the ground.
Same thing with the side walls, you would crash into what appeared to be open air, then get mad and flame me.

So the side walls, cloud ceiling, water floor, and red and blue ends are there for your benefit. After much consideration and testing this myself.
I was pleased that there is a 'sweet spot' where you cant see anything but the open sky. That is your arena for battle one on one, or 16 on 16...
do have fun :)


I know the map is a little plain... apparently the VIS gets jacked when there is a lot of detail added, because at my first 4 attempts at this,
as soon as I would start to increase the # of brushes,the map would suddenly not compile all the way. Following the logs,
I determined that the VIS would just jump to insane amounts, because of the massive amount of space required for a map like this,
and the size * the # of brushes, was a ridiculus expotential #, for an example, here is a snippet from a 'failed' compile:


---- Vis ----
reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jedi knight jedi academy/gamedata/b
reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jedi knight jedi academy/gamedata/b
10479 portalclusters
21577 numportals
22505 numfaces
LoadPortals: Too much vis data. (174824516 >= 6291456)


So I wanted to apologise for the lack of detail to this map. I do plan to release a better version if I can figure out some methods around the size/brush issue.
As well as one with a 'final' light stage, rather than a faked-light stage like this map is currently utilizing :)

Until then, happy flying, happy duelling, and if you are having trouble learning 'how to fly' check out my brother Eclipse D'Kana's Jedi Pilot classes @ The Jedi Academy

I'd like to thank La'Magra from the Academy, as well as my brother Eclipse D'Kana, my two padawans: Bambi and Niten, and my neice Jaina.

Stay tuned for several Huxley creations for jk3 ;)

May the force be with you..
-Huxley D'Kana

yt-1300 <---- THIS ONE DOES **NOT** WORK **YET*!