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Riguref's ship and the Lunar Temple (1.0)

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By Sir Baggiepants
Date: 04-23-2008
Version: 1.0




Rigurefs Ship and the Lunar Temple
-By Sir Baggiepants



Introduction: This map contains two sections the first section called "Riguref's Ship" is a space ship designed to hold a crew of seven. Riguref is simply a character of mine and really holds no real signifigance to this map except the name. A few elements of the ship were taken from other ships (though not stolen, I made this thing from scratch.) the cockpit has quite a few elements of the Ebon Hawk's cockpit. The next one was unintentional, but the body shape of the over all ship is quite similar to Serenity from firefly. The second section is called the Lunar temple, and it holds a medium sized temple with only the lighting of the moon and of crystals.


Things to know: A few things you might want to know, for one, all the doors on this map are opened by pressing your use button. (By default "R".) You will spawn in Rigurefs ship. You may start to feel a little cramped in the small ship, luckily there is a way out. From the ship's kitchen, goto the cockpit. To your left there will be a computer. Walk up to it and press the use button on it. You should be teleported to a version of the ship docked in a big circular area lit by the moons blue beams. To get out of the ship, run down to the bunkers and now, at the end of the hall, there will be an open hatch. Once your out of the ship you will see a door to your left which leads to the Lunar Temple. If you get stuck in the room with the beam because you fell and don't have a high force jump, jump into the beam. It'll teleport you back to the main hall. If you get stuck in the pool in the room with the crescent moon, swim towards the moon. There's a ledge that you will end up on.


Special Thanks: I thank anyone who pointed out any flaws in my maps and gave comments (negative or positive) about them. I also thank the jk3 files team who somehow manage to upload alot of files in what little spare time they may have. I also thank them for knowing the difference between critiquing and Criticizing.


Installation: Simply unzip the "Rship&Ltemple" zip file and place "rship<emple.pk3" in your JKA/Gamedata/base folder.


Known Bugs or Issues: The chairs in the cockpit of the ship landed at the temple have their bounding boxs behind the place they should be. I couldn't fix this because in GTK Radiant they were exactly where the should've been. And when you open the door to the pool, if you look down, you can see the void. I could not fix this because it already took my computer about an hour to compile it and I've no desire to wait through all that again for something you won't notice unless your trying to see it. Though I will admit the map would probably be better with that small change.


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