Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Calc's Desert City (Beta 3 'Wii')

By CalcProgrammer1
Date: 08-02-2009
Version: Beta 3 'Wii'




| CalcProgrammer1's Desert City |
| Beta 3 (codename "Wii") |
| Jedi Knight Academy Map |

This is my desert_city_calc map's beta 3 release. It is probably the last release I'll make.

I lost the most up-to-date source file during a reformat and don't feel like rebuilding
the stuff that I lost. Instead I have started a new map that will hopefully be better.

This map was requested by some after the screenshot of "PC land", the inside-of-computer
themed hidden room. I know this is a few years late, but I dropped out of the JKA scene
for a while and forgot all about it. Now that I am back to mapping I thought I'd put this
out there for everyone to play.

I'm working on getting it up on my server ( along with some of my other

====TO INSTALL====

Copy the .pk3 file included in the zip archive to

C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base

If your primary hard drive isn't C:, replace it accordingly. My server's primary HDD
is D: for some reason.


Delete the .pk3 from the base folder.


This is my second map project. I started it probably in 2006 and worked on it through
2007. I lost interest in JKA late 2007 when I got a Wii and the map slowed. I lost the
source in late 2007 and haven't worked on it since. I'm releasing it late, but at least
it's getting out there.

The map is a desert city with many buildings. Most buildings are empty but all of them
may be opened. I would rather have empty buildings than fake ones, if you use a server
mod like Lugormod you can use them as houses to build in. There is a vast underground
area to explore and a hidden "sky button" that switches between night and day.

One of the highlights of this map is "PC world" (not intending to reference any computer-
themed magazine), a room that is a detailed interior of a PC. Unfortunately it isn't
too accurate as I just added random things to fill space and make it look cool, but
it is a fun place to duel or fight.


I included some custom textures that were either obtained through Google Images
or created myself. You are free to reuse my textures though I would appreciate
some credit.

I also used some custom models though I forget where I found them. I made a few simple
ones in gmax though. You can reuse my models if you want.


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